Dil toh Bacha Hai Ji ✨🤍

Dil toh Bacha Hai Ji (The Heart is Still a Child)

Hey precious!  🤍

I know it's been awhile since we've engaged, but I promise I'm back with yet another worthy read which you'd relate to and converse about. 

Before I begin, I really do hope you guys are doing fine and having a good time so far, if not, trust me on this, it'll get better, it always does 🦋

You ain't alone :)

So the other day I was talking to a friend of mine and after she left, I just noticed that I felt so good around her and so safe and loved. 

Have you noticed those people whose aura just attracts you and pulls you in and keeps you wanting to hanging around you just wanna talk to them and connect with them all the time?

That's cuz they are the most genuine people out there. In a world that keeps saying, vibes don't lie, well, believe it! Cuz it really doesn't. 

You tend to connect to people who make you feel safe, you connect to people who make your inner self, inner child, feel safe and that's just something even I fail to explain in words.

Now see, the thing is, alot of us have obviously heard this word way too many times and we assume that yea, we just have to take care of ourselves and that's about it, it stops there. 

But that's where we're wrong, it's not bout just the present self we're taking care of, but also the little person that resides in all of us. We connect to that person when we're alone and I don't know, call it a heart or call it your mind voice or inner child, end of the day, it means to take care of your soul. 

The entire term of inner child is only cuz when we were kids, our imaginations were endless, our curiosity was at it's peak and we'd always ALWAYS do things that make us happy, but over time passes, there's a reason we end up stopping or reducing making time for the things that we like doing. 

From skinning your knee to skinning your heart, we've all grown up, couldn't wait to be adults. But in this process, we stopped paying attention to that little person inside of us just cuz we had to grow up and be so called "adults".

(Psst: Btw, believe me, everyone pretends to have it all figured out but we're all on the same boat. So close but yet so far. It's the same case replayed in different cases to different people. So it's okay! )

Being adults is fine, taking responsibilities is fine but trust me, I'm glad I had experiences to teach me this, do take out time to do the things you love, no matter how bizarre they are. 

You wanna go swing and feel giddy, do it! You wanna learn a new recipe and make an absolute mess of the kitchen? Good for you! You wanna go read Geronimo Stilton all over again? Have at it!

End of the day it's all about accepting yourself for you and doing the things that you love! We read posts and quotes that says beautiful things like, "Life isn't only about work " and we post captions like, "Get out there and live a little". Well, then do it! There's nothing holding you back.

People are gonna judge regardless of whatever you do, so might as well just make the best of what you have.

We all have said atleast once in life, "Oh how I wish I was little, I had no responsibilities, I was carefree"

You still can be, yes you have responsibilities, but it doesn't mean you just stop having fun altogether. You can be goofy and mature at the same time! And trust me, as kids, those were your favorite people to look up to. ❤️

Taking care of your inner self is just as important as anything, it doesn't have to be too much, trying to keep up with anything that makes you happy, from talking to your friends, to scrolling secretly through barbie reels (totally not exposing myself) or watching movies, all of this, solely focuses on making you feel better and hence keeps your inner child happy.

Just remember, we are responsible for taking care of our emotions are our mindset. So stop being so hard on the little one and start loving and accepting him/her. The world is filled with people around to judge, don't be one of them to yourself. 

Acknowledge your emotions and yourself and understand that, it's everyone's first time around here. We all go through the age just once, so it's completely okay to feel clueless. But as I said, you're never alone, you'll always have yourself to get through things.  

So end of the day, if you actually already do things that keep you happy and you have a strong bond with yourself, I'm really glad. If not, we always end up making new friends, might as well, give yourself a shot ;) 

Keep the kid inside of you safe, happy and protected. 🤍

Quote of the day: It's okay to take a day off from reality and live in your head 🤍

Xoxo Your Boundless Gal <3


You can feel free to contact me, don't worry, I promise that's safe and it stays between us :D


Instagram: @thatboundlessgal

Email: yourboundlessgal@gmail.com



  1. I have this beautiful person in my life...a really pure soul...and she doesn't fail to bring out my inner child✨


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