Forget Perfect, Find your Vibe ✨🤍

Hey precious! 🤍

I've been a bit caught up a little and haven't been able to write much, but anyway, here I am with yet another read and I hope you enjoy it as much as you enjoyed the rest of it. 

Before I begin, I really want to take the time and appreciate you guys for checking in on me and motivating me to blog again. (And no, I never left it, don't worry hehe.) 🦋

I wanna try something different today. So here goes:

A cafe scene, strangers pass by, 

Everyone's story hidden in their eyes. 

Laughter lines, hidden tears,

Stories and journeys woven through the years. 

Not just one hero or one guide, 

For connections bloom far and wide. 

Forget the script, ditch the plan,

Allow your connections to flow hand in hand.

The sun's warm touch, the moon's soft glow.

Recognize the uniqueness of a bond and allow it to grow. 

From coffee dates, to midnight calls, 

From movie nights to shoulders to lean on,

Every bond, unique and true, a personalized friendship mixtape made just for you.

High fives exchanges, tears wiped away,

It's a journey of life but the memories never fade.

Each person we meet, each hand we hold,

There's always a story worth being told.

But here's the catch, there cannot be a single sole match.

Ditch the concept of "finding the one". When you can't provide all that they expect, 

How can you assume they'd be the ones do so under the sun?

Embrace the grey, embrace the in-between,

Where real bonds blossom, stories and tales unseen. 

From awkward dates to quiet friends,

Recognize the comfort that never ends. 

Beyond labels, beyond names, a friendship aligns,

A soul worthy enough to call mine.

So, here's to the connections,

Where the heart beats fast and dreams come true,

Coming together with the much needed coffee brew. 

Life's a book, pages yet to turn, 

Where new bonds, new stories await to be learned. 🤍

Anyway, so the other day, I was sitting in a cafe, waiting for a friend and I randomly looked around. You're aware of those shower thoughts, right? So, one of my shower thoughts during that point was, " many different people, so many different stories, so many different connections...

We're all the main characters of our stories, of course, but we've never entirely gone deep into thinking about the supporting characters of our lives, about how we share different bonds with people, have our own personalized connections. 

In a world, where nature is allowed to take different forms (for example, the sun, the moon, the rain, etc) for various tasks, why can't we have the same as well?

Imagine how free and how good it'll feel instead of expecting everyone to fulfill every need, imagine escaping this matrix just to visualize what the relationship has to offer. Imagine the pressure being lifted by the weight of the thought of, "all or nothing."

Why does it have to be so extreme?
We could surely appreciate the goofiness, the laughter, the intellectual conversations, the passion with a significant other, the comfort of a childhood friend without demanding that any one person has to fill all these gaps

Because, someone who's perfect for gossiping or sharing a particular interest doesn't mean they'll be the best person for career guidance or advice. Yet, these connections are equally valuable in your life.
Understand the fact that every relationship has it's own uniqueness and limitations

If no two siblings are the same, how can you expect to find someone who mirrors you in every way in a relationship?
We speak so highly of accepting differences but when it actually comes down to it in our own lives, we oddly feel that it's not right just because they don't match our thought process or agree to our opinion. 

Just knowing or understanding that there's no such one person who can be your absolute everything, sounds scary, I agree, but that's the whole point of experiencing and taking your chances because some people are truly worth that shot. ❤️

How is it that you accept your friends with the flaws they come with, but the minute a red flag pops up in your partner, you're ready to just ditch them? Where did that acceptance go? 
Understand that everyone comes with their own baggage and their own custom-made set of red and green flags because they too have gone through experiences and life to hold these traits.

No, seriously, think about it, your friendship has always lasted longer than a relationship, unless you've already cracked this code.

Simply putting across, we expect too much out of people and hence it puts on added pressure to the bonds and connections we make. We feel that a romantic relationship is that one sole relationship where you'd get it all, be it love, or friendship, or goofiness and even validation.

But, that's the point, why put so much pressure on just one relationship like that? How is that fair?
When we ourselves cannot deliver perfection in any form, how can we expect it from the other?

Sadly, before we even think of figuring this out, we end up moving on, thinking that there's someone better out there, be it a friend or any other relationship. Not everything needs to be labelled, sometimes it's okay to take your time and figure out your priorities and where you stand in your own life. 

We keep saying that we're going with the flow, but sometimes we start stressing about these things which we can't even control.

Looking around the cafe, got me thinking, that, hey, this feels more peaceful, the fact that you reach out to different people for different things, like, you'd have a friend who'd love to discuss books with you, you'd have someone for music, for trying out different cuisines, to binge watch shows, to go to the movies, etc.. ❤️

And that's when it sort of hit me, like, we're all actually so lucky to have those people around us for different aspects in life. Just remember that everyone out here have their own stories to tell, their own ideas and thought processes. 

Don't sweat too much about the labels or force things. Take it as it comes. You'll see the difference for yourself in yourself and with your connections as well. 

Remember that end of the day, you matter, end of the day, your feelings matter as much as the next person's. We're all here to find our tribe.

Quote of the day: Forget fitting in, find your tribe. Remember that real connections are based on vibes ❤️


Xoxo Your Boundless Gal <3









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