Make me your Radio ✨🤍


Hello there precious!🤍

I agree, it's been awhile since we engaged, but I'm back with another worthy read which I'm sure you'd enjoy.

So, late one night, on a call with a friend of mine, we were just discussing about the people in our lives and how we put in efforts with regards to reciprocation or results. And oddly it's like the people who we deep down know aren't gonna do the same for us, we end up putting in our whole selves, which later on leads to us just building walls and putting on armors.

Starting from there, that's when it really hit me as to like, "Hey, this girl on call, she's been here with me, seen me through my phases of healing and processing, without a complaint or without a single judgement.

And I immediately stopped her and appreciated her for the person she is in my life today. She wasn't obliged to stay with me through any of my experiences, but she chose to do so.

That's when I honestly realized that I just have to be thankful for the people in my life who are out there putting in efforts for ME without really seeking the same in reciprocation or without seeking it as a favor to be returned. These people have their own bonds with you, their own set of memories with you and the best part is that you MATTER to them

In a world full of confusion and nameless connections, these few people in your life always know how to really get you going. As much as one might crave for alot of friends, or a big group of friends who you assume would understand; a few of the right set of individuals would actually lead to a longer healthier connection. ❤️

As I keep mentioning, safe space and finding your tribe, these are exactly those people. The ones who would be there for you and listen to you with no form of judgement whatsoever. 

Coming back to the conversation with my friend, she mentioned she was feeling low and just wanted to ring up her close friends to see who would actually respond back. A few of them turned out to be busy but there were a few who answered regardless of the fact that they were caught up, only to ensure that she was doing fine

Those are the people who you know for a fact will make time for you regardless of the situation they're in. There's always a difference between a person who gives you free time and who frees up their time to talk to you. The latter is where you know that you're truly appreciated and valued. And these are the people worth putting your energy towards, because they will cherish it.

 Just slow down, take a moment and think, when was the last time you showed gratitude to someone for just existing and being part of your life or appreciated someone truly who stuck by your side, believing in you.

 I agree, it sounds cliche and repetitive as we've always heard stories about being grateful and having an attitude of gratitude, but when you look into it and think about it, you'd see what I mean. It doesn't even have to be a big incident that you've gotta share, it's about those little same details about your day that you're always eager to share with that one person or a couple of people who you know will value your time and words. 

Infact, they end up lightening your day when you least expect it, they'd be there for you, just to ensure that you're doing okay. It doesn't even have to be words, a silly meme or a reel or something that they do to make you feel like you're treasured, that's all it takes. ❤️

But here's a part that sort of does mess you up...

You realize the importance of these people only when you're really low or until you need them and you see that they've been there all along.

This is sort of where you'd have a whole "enlightenment" phase where you're just like, 'why didn't I just invest more in these people than the ones who weren't worthy of me?'

You'd have thoughts like, 'hey, I already have the people who I love, or who care for me, why am I still seeking comfort in strangers who end up hurting me at the end of the day?.'

The exploring new connections is something that wouldn't really stop because all of us like getting to form new bonds, that's inevitable for sure, but in that path, don't forget the ones who've always been there by your side just so that cute smile of yours remains on your mouth for good.

 We talk a high value of the little things, but oddly it's viewed if it's done so in a relationship that we tend to oversee the little things in friendship

Sending across posts that you'd think you'd like, those goofy pictures, the long conversations, those moments of peace where you're just listening to music with your friend and doing your own thing, all of this is underrated and I think it deserves more appreciation than anything else. 

So, how about you take out some time from your day to just show appreciation and gratitude to a friend or someone who's always been by your side. Send across this blog if you think they deserve to read it as well. (Cuz why not, I'm sure you'd be nice enough to do that 😁) 

Haha, but yea, jokes apart, go for it, show your people that You care for them and be that person for them, because you know deep down, they're worth it. 💗


Quote of the day: Gratitude lets the universe know that you're ready for more to be grateful for.

 Xoxo Your Boundless Gal <3 




  1. I'm really glad you are a part of my life babydoll 💓. This is something people tend to forget in their daily lives. Thank you for reminding us something so necessary but yet unseen. Waiting for more articles! I love you 😘

  2. This is so sweet! The friends we hold dearly have a major part in our lives, they're going to encourage us in our journey and the decisions we make, and it's only fair to appreciate and do the same for these precious souls. This is going to be one of my fav articles, keep em coming! <3

  3. As precious and boundless as YOU are Aditi... Keep writing and keep inspiring.

  4. Hi! Aditi, I love the way you put such profound thoughts with such lucid simplicity. And Iam so happy that at such a young age you understand value of friends, gratitude and nurturing relationships. A really thought provoking article.


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