The Summer of Self-Care ✨

Welcome back my beautiful souls!


I'm back with another blog post, and this one is all about our physical self care. Given that most of us had a good summer break, and we’re back to our 
busy schedules, let’s not forget to take care of our bodies. 
Summer body vibes may or may not be around, but self-care vibes are always here to
After all, what good is a summer body if you're not feeling your best?

In this blog, I'm going to share 5 self-care activities to maintain our physical self-care. So next time you're feeling stressed,

overwhelmed, or just plain blah, try one of these activities and see how you feel.
Trust me, you might feel better after doing it :) 

  1. Sleep:

Coming from a generation that loves doing this, we ironically don’t get much

I cannot stress on this enough, given today’s day and age, we’re all nocturnal
at this point (And yes, this includes me as well)

As much as the nights seem inviting and peaceful to stay up, we all need to rest
our bodies enough to function the next day.

I know this part has been mentioned a lot in every self-care reel or blog.
But believe me, I’ve tried it out and it works wonders. 
7-8 hours is plentiful actually.

“I don’t get sleep at night, now what?”
That’s also a normal response. There are a couple things that keep us up at night.
But I gotcha :) 

-Relax your muscles:
Try focusing on every muscle that feels knotted or stressed. Focus on it and
breathe through it as you relax them. If it doesn’t work, try feeling every finger
on your hand individually. That usually always works for me.
Since you’ve had a long day, and you’re trying to focus again, your brain usually
will shut down. 

-Focus on your breathing:
This has been repeated, but it’s for a reason. Our breath, the way it works is
super underrated actually. There are ways to make this pretty interesting.
This is
one technique I try: I imagine I’m a cloud floating through the sky, every time I breathe in, I
become a fluffy cloud, letting the breath out is like small showers, it shrinks the
cloud. This is a really calming technique as you can combine this with a scenery
that calms you down or a place you love to go back to.

2) Make time for Exercise:

Even if you can only fit in a short workout, it's better than nothing. So put on your sneakers and get moving! You don't need to spend hours at the
gym every day. Even a 30-minute workout can make a big difference. 

There are plenty of resources online, find a pick that you enjoy and just play
some banger music while you workout, trust me the time genuinely flies and
I promise, it feels so good after you’re done. It feels like you’ve achieved
something productive for that day :D

You can even reward yourself for this, cuz why not? (I mean, I do it, hehe)

3) Take a shower:
You’ve had a long day, you’re bugged, annoyed, restless, or just blah. A shower
can do wonders, trust me on this. It doesn’t have to be ridiculously long where
you drain oceans, we’ve got a lot going on over that topic already 👀

It could be with music or without, that’s your choice, I prefer with it though, it
really boosts my mental state. Plus, you end up smelling really good afterwards,
so it’s a win-win :D 

4) Basic Skincare:
No, I’m not marketing any skincare products right now, haha, don’t worry.
Basic Skincare in the sense, to stay clean.

This consists of drinking plenty of water throughout the day, eating healthy and
washing up, keeping the skin fresh whenever possible.
That’s it, I wasn’t gonna write a hugee paragraph on it 😂

 5) Do something that feels like You:
This part is literally doing what makes you happy and makes you feel good
from the inside. It does boost our self-esteem and confidence. For me, it’s music
for sure, I need it 24x7, not kidding.

For some people, it might be as simple as wearing their favorite outfit or cooking
their favorite meal. For others, it might be more involved, like taking a dance
class or going on a hike. Whatever it is, that one thing makes us feel like we're
in our element, like we're truly ourselves.

Ps: If you're feeling really guilty about taking time for yourself, just remember this:
Self-care is not a luxury. It's a necessity. So next time you feel guilty about taking a
break, remind yourself that you're actually doing yourself a favor. You're investing in
your own health and happiness, and that's never a bad thing.

PPS: And remember, self-care is not just about looking good. It's also about feeling good.
So make sure to take some time for yourself each day to relax and de-stress.

You got this <3

Quote of the Day: Self-care is like a vacation: it's a break from the everyday, but it can also be a chance to grow


Xoxo, Your Boundless Gal <3


  1. This is great! If only I could ever bring myself to follow step 1 :'D


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