Finding Your Safe Haven! ☁️✨

Hey you, my beautiful beautiful soul <3

I’m glad to see you here only because this actually boosts me to keep writing and keep 

providing more interesting topics out here.

So, recently, in college, we had this assignment to do which was basically to write upon 

any topic or anything that was on our mind for just 10 minutes. 10 minutes of straight 

continuous writing. I’d chosen music and just went ahead with it. 

Once the time ended, we were asked as to which emotion was accompanied while writing. 

And that’s when I realized, those 10 minutes, with no pressure of a topic or any rules, it 

freed my mind, it provided me a safe space to be in. Like my personal zone that nobody 

can disrupt. 

This provided me with an idea to actually share this experience and delve further into it, 

because having a safe space is really important. It’s where you can truly be yourself with 

no judgements even towards your own self. A lot of us these days suffer with quite a 

number of insecurities and we desperately try and find ways to get over them, more rather,

we think we try and find ways, but end up doing nothing about it. 

This just deepens the insecurity.
So having a safe space is very important.

To me, my blogs are my safe space, I can write about anything and wouldn’t fear about how 

it would be perceived in the reader’s mind. Well to be honest, it’s easier to train your mind 

this way, into thinking that, HEY, how they feel isn’t my responsibility as long as I’m not 

hurting them, How they perceive me isn’t important. I feel safe, I feel good, I think that’s 

a reason enough to keep going right?

Having a safe space means to be quite secure with yourself, your emotions. More like 

having an actual guard that people usually keep talking bout. 

In all seriousness, I learnt this only recently, the importance of being private, not like 

keeping yourself closed off from people or anything, but just knowing how much to share. 

I used to overshare without really realizing it and I found out that I was doing so with the 

wrong kind of people, they ended up taking advantage of my vulnerabilities (or at least I 

felt they did).  

We realize it’s very easy for people to say have a guard, keep your guards 

up, but like, I feel it takes a couple of experiences to go through to understand what a 

guard actually means and how to open up to the right kind of people. The right kind of 

people sort of feel comfy, like home. You’ll have this urge to open up to them because 

they provided that atmosphere to you.

Sharing with the people I absolutely trust and connect to, they are included in my safe space. 

And yes! People can be a safe space too. They provide us with a secure haven, like a warm 

blanket. 😊

Honestly speaking, a safe space is anything and everything you believe is a no- judgment- 

no-nonsense zone. Just you and your thoughts, that’s all that matters and that’s all this 


That’s when over the last couple months (with the help of my friends of course 😊) 

I ventured into this particular feeling and it has helped me improve so so much. 

Just having someone say, “Hey, I gotchu, or Hey, I’m here for you.” and genuinely mean it.

I feel that’s enough to create a safe space for your own self. Just someone to whom you can

 feel free with and let your guards down. 

Knowing I have a vent or a particular person or thing I can go back to has helped me:
Boost My confidence. 

Emote and process it better. 

Understand who I wanna let in and learnt where to draw my boundaries.

Boundaries is another really important thing that goes hand in hand with this. 

Knowing where to cut things off and actually sticking by it is very important.

And you know what I’ve realized? It’s really easy to cut someone or something off, 

everyone talks about that right? But nobody talks about the after effects of it; the second 

doubting on whether it was a right decision, the hurting… It does hurt, for sure. But like, 

if you honestly see that you’re better off without it and manage to stick by the decision you 

made, believe it or not, you’ll see what I’m talking about. The entire peace, safe space, 

secure mindset. 

I know at the end  of the day we all wanna have peace, but the process and the journey is

 something that goes on and on. I still feel I have so much more to explore and learn. 

So bottom line is that I’m really happy for you if you know about the feeling I’m 

talking about, if not, I truly encourage you to create a place for yourself as a healthy outlet, 

just so you can really feel comfortable and nice, a place where you can come back to heal. 

Quote of the day:
You are still growing, you are still changing. You are still learning. 

Breathe, trust me, you will find your way. 


Xoxo Your Boundless Gal <3


You can feel free to contact me, don't worry, I promise that's safe and it stays between us :D


Instagram: @thatboundlessgal





  1. You're doin amazing, keep goin <3

  2. Buddy... You just unlocked a new part of my mind🤌

  3. This is so relatable, kinda proud of u💞

  4. Interesting to hear from you that people can be safe space too. The line of maturity talks it all. Explore and exceed. Best.


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