Your Boundless Gal


Hello my beautiful souls <3

This is my first ever blog and I thought I’d share my self-care journey with you and take you along with me as I grow and develop. I'd love to see you guys do the same. Of course, in this fast-paced world, we often tend to forget about our own needs and I feel it is very important to address them and feel the emotions instead of burying them or suppressing them. 

What is Self-care?

It actually isn’t all that complicated either to be honest.


Picture this- 

You’re in your favorite place in the whole world, alone, calm and quiet. Your mind at rest because you’re taking in the surroundings. It could be the beach, or any spot on this planet. Yes, including the very solace of your bathroom and scented candles. Anything that feels like an embrace to your soul, calming you down and allowing you to feel safe. That is your sanctuary. The one where you’d always feel like yourself. That’s what we’ll focus on.

Self-care Dimensions:
When someone usually says self-care, it isn’t always about therapy or being alone through whatever you have going on. It doesn’t have to feel difficult at all. Sometimes we need to seek the help of our loved ones or the ones we trust when it feels too much to handle. That is completely alright. 

Putting ourselves through something that is hard, doesn’t always mean it has to be right. We usually tend to feel that only if we put ourselves through a hard turmoil we deserve the reward. But why is that so? Nobody imposed such a rule on any of us. So, taking an easy way out which makes us feel better is also just an important path as well. We deserve breaks and rewards in general. 

Speaking of the Dimensions:

That’s all about taking care of your body. It includes fitness, rest and diet. And the all the 3 have to be balanced for your body to function healthily. I don’t wanna sound too motherly right now, but you get my point. As long as your body is moving in a way that makes you feel alive, getting the required nourishment and rest, you’ve sorted through this part of self-care. Well done :) 

You could even involve skin care routines and showers or anything physical that’ll put you in a state of relaxation, any of that would do the trick ;)


This is to train your mind as setting boundaries with people and yourself. To uphold yourself and value yourself. Anything that gets your creative juices flowing, anything that makes you feel energized and gets you into a productive mood, that’s all that matters. You can read, listen to podcasts, or just come here to re-energize ;) . No for real, this is a safe space to feel good as well. Challenge your intellect and spread the horizon. You’ll see and feel the change yourself.


Finally, the best form of self-care, the emotional one. Where you can be super narcissistic and call it self-love. Yeah, alright, don’t do that obviously. But yes, this includes self-love and self compassion. To practice self love seems easy but it’s quite a process. There are definitely days where we all question our self worth and that’s when emotional self care needs to kick in. Anything that makes you feel warm from the inside and that brings you peace and happiness, that’s all that is required. As long as it makes sense to you. It is what it is. Say that and move on. Easier said than done. I have trouble following through myself but it does help, it eases most of the stress away.

This is the best form and the most time consuming process as it demands you to come to terms with your emotions, which means you gotta feel what you feel and not shun it away. Yess, I know! We gotta deal with our emotions. Nobody likes confrontation, not even with their own self. But this is important to actually feel at peace on a deeper aspect. 

When I talk about peace, I don’t mean attain enlightenment, sure that comes under it as well, but I’m not here to preach about enlightenment. To me, if I feel happy and calm and like myself, I am at peace. If I know that I have problems but find my ways to deal with it, that’s peace for me. Watching my favorite movie or series is peaceful to me. Taking a shower and taking care of my body, mind and my heart, that’s peace.

Fun fact: We all usually re watch our favorite movies and series then try out new ones because we like that sense of familiarity provided. It feels nice to atleast have something familiar in a life of uncertainty. 

Hehe, let’s not delve any deeper into this.

Well, I guess this concludes our first visit. But don’t worry, there’s more to come, stories to be shared and much more healing spread. I would love to see you along the journey with me. Your own special self-care, self-healing journey. 

Quote of the day:
Just imagine if you could go all out for someone else, imagine how much you could possibly do for yourself :) 


Xoxo Your Boundless Gal <3


You can feel free to contact me, don't worry, I promise that's safe and it stays between us :D


Instagram: @thatboundlessgal





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