This is Your Life


Hello my beautiful souls <3


Glad to see you here. I wanted to start something new, I’m going to recommend a song you can listen to while you continue reading around here. It’ll create a better atmosphere and a better reading experience. Plus you might find a song that connects to you well enough to wiggle it's way into your playlist ;) 

Entirely your choice!

Today’s song choice: Sky full of stars (instrumental)

Let’s get into today’s blog. As the title suggests, this is entirely your life! Obviously we all have one life and that fear of missing out and that confusion and doubt on “YOLO” (you only live once) and “It’s my life, I can either make it or break it”, this fear continues to thread on as we go through our ups and downs in life. We feel so torn apart whether to let loose and have fun or to pull up your socks and start taking things seriously and work towards a better lifestyle. 

While all that is necessary, no doubt, hear me out. End of the day, it is your life. There would be moments where you’d genuinely wanna give into the moment to make that special memory than to always keep uptight. It is you who has to take that call, take that leap once in awhile. 

We’re all shunned away when we make mistakes not realizing that it is part of our growth cycle. 

It’s pretty cliche, but it’s true, every mistake is an experience and sometimes we continue making the same mistakes until we truly learn our lesson and that’s okay. No matter what people say and the fact that they may call us foolish, that’s okay. 

People talk regardless of whatever you do, so might as well just focus on what makes YOU happy. That’s what is important. 

It is you who has to be happy with the choices you make, the food you eat, the people you stay in contact with, yes! So what if they’re flawed or not someone’s first choice, it’s your decision because that is something that makes you happy. 

As long as it feels right in your heart, do not let others judgements overwhelm you, it ain’t important. Even if everyone say that you’re probably making a mistake, but you wanna learn out of experience and embrace that as a memory, go for it! 

We often tend to forget that we’re in control of our decisions and life choices, no matter what anyone else says. Eat the food that makes you feel good from within! Everyone is allowed cheat days, weeks and moments. That’s fine :D
I personally love midnight snacking, even though I know most of the time it isn’t healthy, but it makes my soul happy and I feel that will keep me healthy from within and end of the day, I feel, that’s all that truly matters. 

Surround yourself with people and moments that make you feel good, if you feel that your entire circle is toxic and you’re better off alone, Take that leap. Make that choice for yourself because end of the day it’s better to be alone and work on your happiness than to stay around with people who don’t respect and value you to bring you down. We have enough to deal with in life already without our own choice to pick how the situation plays out. The one thing we are in control of is who we choose to hang out with. So, go ahead, talk to more people, make that multiple soul connection. 

If you’re introverted and feel like hey, c’mon, it ain’t that easy to go about it like that. Don’t worry, I gotchu hehe. I know it’s hard to network and open up just like that. 

-Look for common ground- This is basic, if there’s an event, work it out to your liking. What do you like about that event taking place, even if you’re forced to attend, look around, see what appeals to you and start a conversation with that. 

-Ask questions- About their profession, education, interests, hobbies, etc

-Small Talk- I know this sounds very cliche, but sometimes you can easily delve deeper into proper conversations just by stating basic formalities. 

Finally, if you still aren’t comfortable, don’t sweat it, I’m pretty sure an extrovert will adopt you ;) 

That’s always an added possibility. 

Coming back to the point, all of these decisions are yours and I feel that the choices we make everyday really shape us. Yes, we’re all away from a whole different lifestyle just by that one decision. Very true, I agree. But hey, go after what you want- not because someone else is telling you so (unless that’s your mom *insert eyes*) No, but jokes apart, trust your gut, listen to your inner voice and most importantly believe in yourself :D 

You got this! <3 

Quote of the day:

Growth isn’t about never finding yourself in the same triggering situations again. 

Growth is when you start responding to them differently :) 


Xoxo Your Boundless Gal <3 


You can feel free to contact me, don't worry, I promise that's safe and it stays between us :D


Instagram: @thatboundlessgal




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