
Showing posts from May, 2023

This is Your Life

  Hello my beautiful souls <3   Glad to see you here. I wanted to start something new, I’m going to recommend a song you can listen to while you continue reading around here. It’ll create a better atmosphere and a better reading experience. Plus you might find a song that connects to you well enough to wiggle it's way into your playlist ;)  Entirely your choice! Today’s song choice: Sky full of stars (instrumental) Let’s get into today’s blog. As the title suggests, this is entirely your life! Obviously we all have one life and that fear of missing out and that confusion and doubt on “ YOLO ” (you only live once) and “ It’s my life, I can either make it or break it ”, this fear continues to thread on as we go through our ups and downs in life. We feel so torn apart whether to let loose and have fun or to pull up your socks and start taking things seriously and work towards a better lifestyle.  While all that is necessary, no doubt, he

Your Boundless Gal

  Hello my beautiful souls <3 This is my first ever blog and I thought I’d share my self-care journey with you and take you along with me as I grow and develop. I'd love to see you guys do the same. Of course, in this fast-paced world, we often tend to forget about our own needs and I feel it is very important to address them and feel the emotions instead of burying them or suppressing them.  What is Self-care? It actually isn’t all that complicated either to be honest.   Picture this-  You’re in your favorite place in the whole world, alone, calm and quiet. Your mind at rest because you’re taking in the surroundings. It could be the beach, or any spot on this planet. Yes, including the very solace of your bathroom and scented candles. Anything that feels like an embrace to your soul, calming you down and allowing you to feel safe. That is your sanctuary. The one where you’d always feel like yourself. That’s what we’ll focus on. Self-care Dimensions: When some