
Showing posts from June, 2024

Make me your Radio ✨🤍

  Hello there precious! 🤍 I agree, it's been awhile since we engaged, but I'm back with another worthy read which I'm sure you'd enjoy. So, late one night, on a call with a friend of mine, we were just discussing about the people in our lives and how we put in efforts with regards to reciprocation or results. And oddly it's like the people who we deep down know aren't gonna do the same for us, we end up putting in our whole selves, which later on leads to us just building walls and putting on armors. Starting from there, that's when it really hit me as to like, " Hey, this girl on call, she's been here with me, seen me through my phases of healing and processing, without a complaint or without a single judgement. "  And I immediately stopped her and appreciated her for the person she is in my life today. She wasn't obliged to stay with me through any of my experiences, but she chose to do so. That's when I honestly realized that I ju